
River of Life Christian Church in Philadelphia has been a growing spiritual home for many Mandarin- and English-speaking Christians since October 2013. Our church is independent and non-denominational. It is affiliated with the River of Life Christian Church headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Our church has taken the following strategies to build a body of Christ to honor God: Worship and Praise, Renewal of the Holy Spirit, Cell-Group Fellowships, Bible Study and Discipleship classes and Gospel mission.

Our church holds to the orthodox Protestant faith. To find out more about what we believe, see our “Declaration of Faith” by clicking on “Mission” at the top.

We warmly invite you to join us for Sunday worship and praise at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM (EST). We also have a wide choice of weekday prayer, small-group fellowship meetings as well as Bible study and discipleship classes, to which you are welcomed. Click on “Ministry” at the top for the weblink to our Sunday worship and praise as well as for the days, times, language offerings and web links for all other church activities.

Our church is led by bi-lingual Senior Pastor Tony Xu. For recordings of his past sermons, click on “Streaming” at the top of the page. Mr. Quon Kwan is the English-speaking Bible teacher.

Donations to River of Life Christian Church in Philadelphia can be made on-line by clicking on “Give” at the top of this page.

To reach the church for further information, please click on “Contact” at the top of this page.


自 2013 年 10 月以來,費城生命之河基督教會一直是許多說普通話和英語的基督徒不斷成長的精神家園。我們的教會是獨立的、非宗派的。它隸屬於總部位於加利福尼亞州聖克拉拉的生命之河基督教會。我們的教會採取了以下策略來建立基督的身體來榮耀上帝:敬拜和讚美、聖靈的更新、小組團契、聖經學習和門徒訓練課程以及福音使命。


我們熱誠邀請您在上午 8 點 30 分和上午 10 點 30 分(美國東部時間)加入我們的主日敬拜和讚美。我們也有多種選擇的平日禱告、小組團契聚會以及聖經學習和門徒訓練班,歡迎您參加。單擊頂部的“事工”,獲取我們週日敬拜和讚美的網絡鏈接,以及所有其他教會活動的日期、時間、語言奉獻和網絡鏈接。

我們的教會由雙語主任牧師 Tony Xu 帶領。如需他過去佈道的錄音,請單擊頁面頂部的“流媒體”。 Quon Kwan 先生是講英語的聖經老師。

